Sunday, February 27, 2011


I spent nearly 5 hours at Koncerthuset today... bit of a surprise it lasting that long, though.
They held the finale of a chambermusic-competition, and I thought 'hey, why not go'? So I did. It was fine - the right ensemble won, in my (humble) opinion. Two accordionist called MYTHOS - pretty cool guys. (Me and that accordionmusic - yes, Bjarke Mogensen was half of the duo today.)

The first picture is from earlier this month, at my "regular" seat - behind the orchestra.
The other is me keeping it real, being a bit rebellious in the posh building (ha... as if) - and finally the duo celebrating their victory; and a big pile of money - 100.000 dkr. to be exact. Nice.

What would you do with that kind of money?
I'd buy a piano and I'd travel to Asia and maybe New York.



  1. jeg ville også bare rejse langt væk. i et godt stykke tid. det ville være brugbart. sejt, du har tilbragt det meste af søndagen dér. jeg ønsker mig hermed lyd på billederne.

  2. Ja, rejsen væk ville gøre så godt...
    Jeg finder noget lyd snart, men måske ikke lige fra disse billeder :) Jeg skal derind igen torsdag, og det kan godt være jeg deler noget lyd før eller efter.
