Thursday, January 6, 2011

What I ate (and drank) in Austria pt. 1

This was New Years Eve. We all got the same... I would not have chosen that on the first picture which was:

1. Leberknödel. It's meatballs with bread in the mix - but the meat is liver. I do not care for liver... ick. The broth was ok, so I had that.

2. Allthough it says 'Stroh', it is not. It is glühwein. It was ok... but I prefer my wine not heated and without spices and other spirits, thank you.

3. It had to be, sooner or later: Wienerschnitzel. I actually really enjoy it, I've had it many times in Vienne and in Denmark as well, allthough the garnish was boring. Luckely I had a plate of salad besides this.

4. Bier vom faß. Mmmmm. I like beer. This was very nice to drink. I only had that one on New Years Eve. On January 1st, well, I had a few more... that's when we partied; me, my friend the operasinger (who is behind my beer in the picture), and the orchestra with whom she sang.

Austrian food is generally very heavy, I think. Not unlike danish food, actually. Then again, I don't care too much for danish traditional food.


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